MaximaTelecom confirms leadership in the Russian public Wi-Fi market

MaximaTelecom has become the leader in the Russian public Wi-Fi market in 2019 by revenue.  According to an independent study by TMT Consulting agency, MaximaTelecom occupied 43% of the public Wi-Fi market in 2019. The entire market is valued at 7 billion rubles, growing 12% over the last 12 months.

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MaximaTelecom and ER-Telecom Testing New Wi-Fi Monetization in Ekaterinburg and Ulyanovsk

MaximaTelecom has deployed its own authorization and monetization system in the public Wi-Fi network of ER-Telecom Holding in Ekaterinburg and Ulyanovsk. The company expects that the new model will increase revenue from monetization of the partner’s network by nearly 10 times.

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